Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

Penilaian untuk soal writing

20 – 17

Excellent to very good, Excellent to very good treatment if the subject: considerable variety of ideas or argument: Independent and through interpretation of the topic:
16 – 12

Good average: Adequate treatment of topic: some variety of ideas or argument; some independence of interpretation of the topic; most content relevant.
11 – 8
Fair to poor: treatment of the topic is hardly adequate; little variety or argument; content irrelevant or very lacking detail.
7 – 5

Very poor: inadequate treatment of the topic; no variety of ideas or argument, content irrelevant or very restricted; almost no useful detail.
4 – 0
Inadequate: fails to adress the task with tiny effectifity.
20 – 17

Excellent to very good, fluent expression, ideas, clearly stated and supported; appropriately organized paragraphs or sections logically sequenced (coherance) ; connectives appropriately used (cohesion).
16 - 12

Good to average uneven expression, but main idea stand of paragraphing, or section organization evident: logically sequenced (coherence) some connectives used (cohesion).
11 – 8

Fair to poor, very uneven expression, ideas difficult to follow, paragraphinginorganization: no sense of logical sequenced (coherance), connectivity’s not used (cohesion).
7 – 5
Very poor: lacks fluent expression, ideas very difficult to follow, little sense paragraphing in organization: no sense of logical sequenced (coherance), connectives not used (cohesion).
4 - 0
Indequate: fails to adress this aspect of the tasks with any effectivieness
20 - 17
Excellent to very good: wide range of vocabulary; accurate word or idiom choice and usage; appropriate selection to match register.
16 - 12
Good to average: adequate range of vocabulary, occasional mistakes in word or idiom choice and usage; register not always appropriate.
11 - 8
Fair to poor: limited range of vocabulary; a noficeable member of mistakes in word or idiom choice and usage, register not always appropriate.
7 - 5
very poor, no range of vocabulary, uncomfortable frequently mistakes in word or idiom choice and usage, no apparent sense of register.
4 - 0
Indequate: fails to adress this aspect of the task with any effectiveness.
30 - 24
Excellent to very good: confident handling of appropriate structure hardly any errors of agreement, tense, number, word order, articles, pronoun, preposition, meaning sometime obscured.
23 - 18
Good to average: acceptable grammar , problems with more complex structure, some errors of agreement, tense, number, word order, articles, pronoun, preposition, meaning sometime obscured.
17 - 10
Fair to poor: insufficient range of students with control only shown in simple constraction, frequent errors of agreement, tense, number, word order, articles, pronoun, preposition.
9 - 6
very poor, major problems with structure even simple ones, frequent errors of negative agreement, tense, number, word order, articles, pronoun, preposition or function
5 - 0
Indequate: fails to adress this aspect of the test with any effectiveness.
10 - 8
Excellent to very good, demonstrates full command of speeling, panctuation, capitalization, lay out.
7 - 5
Good to average, occasional errors in speeling, panctuation, capitalization, lay out
4 – 2
Fair to poor, frequent errors in speeling, panctuation, capitalization, lay out.
1 – 0
Very poor, fails to adress this aspect of the task with any effectiveness.

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