Senin, 02 Juli 2012

The correlation Of Simple Present Tense, Compound Words, And the Writing Ability


1.1  Problem Background
Language is a tool used by humans as the way to communicate or interact. Languages become the most important in human life. Without language, we will not be able to interact or relate to other human beings. Own language and characters have different types, depending on his or her residence. Nevertheless, judging from its functional all the same language, namely as a means of communication or interaction.

Many of his countries make to each other to make a decision, which set one language as a means of international communication. Based on the conclusions of the above, English has been established as a means of international communication. So those, all country are required to teach English to his people. English skills have four skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing. And writing is the each one main aspect of English course, it’s very important for the students. Writing makes the students are able to write something which related with the students’ minds and it consists of some various genres. And they need to master about Vocabulary compound words. But, factually some of the senior high school, most the students finds the difficulties in their own vocabulary mastery. For example, until this time they are difficult to write something through the paragraphs, especially to the descriptive text, it happens because the number of them, they do not master about vocabulary, and get confused about simple present tense. The students do not understand about descriptive text where as they try to make it, as the researcher think that vocabulary and simple present tense mastery are the aspects which very important to make a written through the text and the students need to master about that all aspects if they want to write the paragraphs in descriptive text.

From those statements above in this writing the researcher concludes that before pre-survey at the tenth grade of SMA N1 Seputih Banyak in academic year 2012/2013, and takes focused of the correlation of simple present tense, vocabulary in term compound words mastery and the students’ writing ability of descriptive text.
Table 1.1.1 the students’ achievements of simple present tense and compound words
mastery at SMAN1 Seputih Banyak for the tenth grade Academic year 2012/2013.
Very High
5 %

10 %

15 %

20 %

Very Low
50 %

100 %

Source: SMA N 1 Seputih Banyak 2012/2013

The table shows that students who got very high score in simple present tense and compound words, they only reach numbers about 5%, high 10%, fair 15%, low 20%, and very low 50%. The numbers showed percentages of the students’ achievements for simple present tense and compound words mastery is low.

Table 1.1.1 The students’ achievements of writing descriptive text for the tenth grade
of SMAN1 Seputih Banyak Academic year 2012/2013.
Very High
5 %

10 %

15 %

20 %

Very Low
50 %

100 %

Source: SMA N 1 Seputih Banyak 2012/2013

Based on the table above, it can be drawn that students who got very high score to descriptive text achievement, they only reached numbers about 5%, high 10%, fair 15%, low 20%, and very low 50%. The numbers showed percentages of the students’ achievements in descriptive text is low.

Thus tables drawn in of simple present tense mastery, compoound words mastery, and the students’ writing skill of descriptive text, all of the objects have a correlation to each other which are positive and significant. If the students are able to master about simple present tense and vocabulary, they are able to write down sentences through the paragraphs in descriptive text.

1.2  Problem Identification
Based on the background above, the researcher focused of the correlation of simple present tense, compoound words mastery and the students’ writing ability of descriptive paragraphs, and find out some problems as follows:
1)      The students are difficult to make sentences of simple present tense
2)      The students have a limitation about compound words
3)      The students are still low about descriptive paragraph.

1.3  Problem Limitation
Based on the identification of the problem above, the research focused of the correlation of simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery, and the students’ writing ability of descriptive text for the tenth grade at SMA N1 Seputih Banyak Academic Year 2012/2013.

1.4  Problem Formulation
Based on the identification and limitation of the problems, the problems formulation about the objects, it can be numbered as these follows:
1)      Are there positive and significant correlation between simple present tense mastery and students ability in writing descriptive?
2)      Are there positive and significant correlation between compound wordsmastery and students ability in writing descriptive?
3)      Are there positive and significant correlation of simple present tense mastery compound words mastery, and students’ ability in writing descriptive simultaneously?

1.5  Research Objective
Objective of the study, based on the problem formulation above the objectives this research are:
1)      To know whether there are positive and significant correlation between simple present tense mastery and students ability in writing descriptive.
2)      To know whether there are positive and significant correlation between compound words masteryand the student ability in writing descriptive.
3)      To know whether there are positive and significant correlation of simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery and the student ability in writing descriptive simultaneously.

1.6  Research Scope
The subject of the research is the students of the tenth class of SMA N 1 Seputih Banyak.The object of the research is the correlation of students’ simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery and the students’ writing ability of descriptive text. Time of the research will be conducted in period 2012/2013.

1.7  Research Benefit
The resercher has goals in teaching process, and hopes this research has a lots benefit aspects which useful for:
1. For the students
The researcher hopes to the students are able to be aware and they know that in using of present tense, especially in simple present form, and compound words mastery through the descriptive text.

2. For the teacher
To give information for the teacher at there is correlation of students’, simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery and the students’ writing ability of descriptive text.

3. Another Researcher
The researcher hopes to see another researcher, they will know about correlation of  student’s simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery and the students’ writing ability of descriptive text because the objects are correlated to each other.


2.1  Previous Research Overview
In this research, the researcher overviews about two previous researches before, they are:The first one is The Correlation of Students’ Simple Sentence Mastery and Paragraph Writing Ability at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Metro, by Nova Cahya Sari. This research is to know whether there are significant correlation of students’ simple sentence mastery and paragraph writing ability. She was identified some problems to do this research. There are: 1) students’ ability in writing by using English language is less. And 2) students’ are difficult to develop their ideas in form of writing in paragraph. She said that in writing a text we must be able to use a good language and we also must be able to arrange good sentence grammatically in order the reader understand about the content of writing.

The second previous research is conducted by Siti Karimah, and titled : The Student Mastery On The Simple presents tense, compound sentences mastery, with their ability in Writing descriptive Text at The Tenth Grade Of Senior High School SMA PGRI I Tumijajar 2008/2009”.

The different between those two previous researches with this research are:
The first, she did the research to know the student mastery of simple present tense in writing descriptive paragraph. She has that the students have not understood the simple present tense perfectly. The students get the difficulty to choose present from in their writing descriptive paragraph.

                 The second, she did the research you know the students teaching learning process in mastering the simple present tense through descriptive text writing still not maximum yet because the students have not understood yet the simple present tense perfectly, they get difficulty in writing descriptive text and get confused about the structure and grammar.

Followed the previous research above, the researcher is interested to do the research under the tittle the correlation between students’ simple present tense, compound words mastery and their descriptive writing paragraph ability at the tenth grade class of SMA N1 Seputih Banyak academic year 2012/ 2013.

2.2         Theoretical Review
The researcher takes some concepts to support the research as follows:

2.2.1        Concept of Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense is the most popular tense in using. According to Azar (2005:60) simple present tense is generally used to express event or situations that exist, always, usually, habitually. It means that if we will express situation that exist, always, usually, habitually we should using the simple present tense. And the simple present tense is one of tenses which is we should master if we will make a descriptive paragraph.
Simple present tense has pattren, there are:
a.                       Verbal sentence
Formula :  (+) S + V1 ( s/ es) + O/C
(-) S + do/ does + not + V1 + O/C
( ?) Do/ does + S + V1 + O/C
(-?) Does / do + S + Not + V1 + O/C
(+) My mother cooks the cake in the kitchen.
( - ) My mother does not cook the cake in the kitchen.
( ? ) Does my mother cook the cake in the morning?
Notes :             S/ ES : he, she it
            Does    : he, she, it
            Do       : they, we, i ,you
b.                              Nominal sentence
Formula : (+) S + TOBE ( is, am are) + Adjective/ Adverb
(- ) S +  TOBE ( is, am are) + not + Adjective/ Adverb
(? ) TOBE ( is, am are) + S + Adjective/ Adverb
(-?)TOBE ( is, am are) + S + not + Adjective/ Adverb
Example :
( + ) Justin Bieber is handsome boy.
( -  ) Justin Bieber is not handsome boy.
( ? ) Is Justin Bieber handsome boy?
Useless of simple present tense:
Use time signal
a)      Adverb of time = put on first or least of sentence
Every day                                every / each
Every week                             in the morning
Every month                           at sevent
Every year                               once / twice a day
b)      Adverb of frequency = put on after to belajar or before verb
-          Frequency adverb  follow am, is are:
Always, usually, often, sometime, seldom, raely, never.

Based on the data, the simple present tense is used to express daily habit or usually activities.The simple present tense is also used to express present tense time. Here, in indicates present time which many non action verb, especially those expressing state or conditions.

2.2.2        Concept of Compound Word Mastery
The words in the English language, especially adjectives and nouns, can be combined in a composite construction (compound structures) in various ways. And when combined word is formed, then they have a meaning or meanings of new words. One sure way to know the combined words in term compound words by using a good English dictionary to find and learn the words of the joint.
There are three forms of compound words:
1. Closed form(combined words), eg,secondhand, softball, keyboard, notebook, etc.
2. Hyphenated form, for example: his daughter-in-law, master-at-arms, six-pack, etc.
3. Open form(individual words), eg, post office, real estate, middleclass, etc.

Compound words, such as a high school and the peanut butter, as opposed to the wearing of a word or described by adjectives, such as: a little school and the yellow butter. Take a look in the dictionary, compound words always have a special meaning.

The incorporation of the word often uses hyphens (-) to avoid confusion or false meaning, for example: old-furniture salesman, part-time teacher, the highest-priced car, etc. Adverb or adverb sending in-ly do not use a hyphen when combined with other words, for example: a weekly news paper, a highly rated bank, a partially refunded ticket.

Hyphens are also used to describe a person with age, such as my six-year-old son. However, if the age is placed after the person, then a hyphen is used: my son is six years old.

From statement above it can be confirmed that Compound words are two words that join together and form a new meaning. But every word has a meaning that is not far away.
2.2.3 Concept of Writing Descriptive
Chackraverty and Guantum (2003) state that “the writing is an important part of language learning is essentially a reflective activity that requires enough time to think about the specific topic. The analyze and classify language to structure. This idea in this view writing is not a product but an activity of a mental process.

The definition of descriptive text is text with says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place or thing. It is clear that descriptive text only shows the fact.

The generics structures of descriptive text are: identifying the phenomena to be describe, and describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities and characteristics; the language features of descriptive text are: using attribute and identifying process, using adjective and classifiers in nominal group, and using simple present tense.
It can be concluded that descriptive text aims at giving vivid details of how something or someone looks. A descriptive text tells the reader what the thing is, or what the thing does. A description should be so unique that a description of one thing should be different from a description another thing. On other words, descriptive text is not used the generalization. All different, reader should be able to show the same thing being described in the text. The Lexicon- grammar text is dominated with simple present tense. This is due to the factual nature of a descriptive text. The text only shows fact. The clause system is dominated with relational and material process. Relational process is much employed do show identification of the thing being describe, while material process is used to show what the thing does. Because descriptive text show the attribute of the thing, most clauses us adjective the adjective are mostly descriptive rather that attitudinal. Descriptive text usually also show part- whole relationship. When describing a guava tree in front of your house, for example, the description should cover the description of the whole tree and its part like the trunk, the branches, leaves and many other parts.

Descriptive gives sense impressions of the feel, sound, taste, smell and look of thing, emotion maybe describe too: felling such as happiness, fear, loneliness gloom and joy. Descriptive helps the reader through his/her imagination, to visualize a scene or a person, or to understand a sensation or an emotion (Wishon and Burk, 1989:128)
In senior High School level,  the students study about the purpose,  generic structure and language features of the descriptive text they are:
Purpose: to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail.      
1.Identification: identifying the phenomena to be describewith says what a
person or a thing is like.
2.Description: describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/ and
3.  Language Features: Using Present Tense

Based on the statement above, descriptive text is a text which says what a person or things is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

2.3  Thinking Framework
There are 3 variables in this research. They are 2 predictor variables X1 and X2, and  criterium variable (Y ). They are as follow:

2.3.1        The Correlation of Simple Present Tense, Compound Words Mastery and the Students’ Writing ability of Descriptive text
Writing skill is one of fourth skill in learning language. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Writing skill is the most difficult skill between the others. Because in writing, the students should not only learn the vocabularies and structure, but they should understand the way to express their idea. In writing, the readers are not faced with the writer directly therefore, the writer has to communicate the message clearly.

The teaching writing, especially in descriptive paragraph often makes the students feel so difficult because they do not master both tenses which uses on it there are simple present tense and vocabulary in term compound words and it causes them difficult to express their idea. In this case, the teacher should use the better technique to increase students’ simple present tense.

(Simple Present Tense)
(Vocabulary Mastery)
Simple present tense is the important thing to make a good paragraph of writing. If the students master it, they are easier to express their idea in their writing.In this research, the writer will be shows how far the correlation between students’ simple present tense and vocabulary in term compound wordand their descriptive writing ability. In this research the researcher limited the component of tenses around simple present tense and as we know, both of components of tenses above are as the genre in descriptive paragraph. From the result of test that writer will give to the students, we will know whether from the second components of tenses above that have correlation to the student’s descriptive writing paragraph. The thinking frameworks in this research can see below:
Criterium Variable
(Descriptive Text)

Figure 2.1 Figure the correlation of variabel in this research
2.4              Hypothesis
Based on the theories, the researcher formulated the hypothesis as follows:
1)        There are positive and significant correlation between students’ simple present tense mastery and the students’ writing ability of descriptive text
2)        There are positive and significant correlation between Compound words mastery and the students’ writing ability of descriptive text
3)        There are positive and significant a correlation of students’ simple present
       tense, Compound words mastery and the students’ writing
       ability of descriptive text simultaneously.


3.1         Research Design
In this research the researcher used this is quantitative research used correlation study. That is one of ex post facto design. Correlation study here means that the writer used one group to be tested and takes the data without giving any treatment. The researcher uses this design because he tried to find out the direct relationship between the predictor and criterium variables from a group of students who give the data on two different variables without giving any treatment or control.

This research, the researcher used tests to get the data of simple present tense mastery,compound words mastery and the students’ ability in writing descriptive. After getting the data, the researcher analyzed it and then gave the description whether there is a significant correlation of simple present tense mastery (X1), compound words (X2),as the predictor and the students’ ability in writing descriptive(Y) as the criterium variable.
The Design of this research is:
T1                    T2                    T3
( Hattach and Faradhy, 1982: P.27 )
à Test 1     x1® y
à ­­Test 2     x2® y
à Test 3     x1® x2 ® y
Test 1     : Test simple present tense mastery
Test 2     : Test vocabulary mastery
Test 3     : Test writing descriptive

It means, in doing the research, the researcher will use test of simple present tense mastery (T1 ), compound words mastery (T2) and then it is continued by test of writing descriptive (T3). The tests are proposed to find out the students' simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery and the students’ ability in writing descriptive. The researcher did not give the third test for the students who got low score. The researcher hopes after conducting those tests. The students will know the level of their simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery and the students’ ability in writing descriptive especially for the students who have low ability in simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery in the students’ ability in writing descriptive.

3.2  Research Variable
The researcher has determined three variables of the research that while is investigated, they are:
1)      The criterium variable of this is the students ability in writing descriptive that is symbolized by ( y );
2)      The predictor variable of this research is the students simple present tense mastery that is symbolized by ( X1 );
3)      The predictor variable of this research is the students’ compound words mastery that is symbolized by (X2).

3.2.1 Conceptual Definition of the Students’ Mastery in Simple Present Tense
The simple present tense is used to express daily habit or usually activities. The simple present tense is also used to express present tense time. Here, in indicates present time which many non action verb, especially those expressing state or conditions.

3.2.2   Operational Definition of the Students’ Mastery in Simple Present Tense
In simple present tense test which consists of 40 items. This test is multiple choices which consist of four options (A, B, C, and D). This test used to the students’ simple present tense mastery.

3.2.3        Conceptual Definition of the Students Compound Words mastery
Compound words are two words that join together and form a new meaning. But every word has a meaning that is not far away.

3.2.4 Operational Definition of the Students Compound Words Mastery
In vocabulary in term compound words test which consists of 40 items. This test is cross-puzzle and essay. This test used to the students’ vocabulary mastery in term compound words.

3.2.5 Conceptual Definition of the Student’s Their Ability in Descriptive Text
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or things is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

3.2.6 Operational Definition of the Students’Their Ability in Discriptive Text

In the writing paragraph test, the researcher would like give essay test. The students must make a paragraph consist of 200 words. The topic of it is “Free”. This test used to know, how far the students’ can make in paragraph writing well according their ideas.

3.3         Research Population, Sampling Technique and Sample
3.3.1        Population
The population of this research is the grade tenth of SMA N1 Seputih Banyak which consists of two classes. There are X1, X2, X3, and X4. Total sum of the whole students of grade tenth is 100 students.

3.3.2 Sampling Technique
The researcher takes randomly sampling. To get sampling from researcher population, the researcher does some steps as follows:
1.      The whole student of grade tenth
2.      Write the classes in piece of paper
3.      The paper wrapped and then put into a jar
4.      Then, there is a little slit on the jar’s mouth to let one piece wrapped out
5.      The paper which comes out firstly is as the sample of this research.

3.3.3        Sample
Haryati  in Kusnadi (2008:80) “ Sample is a part of population that will be rsearched” it means that the sample is the object that have selected  to research. So, the sample in this research are 50 students.

3.4    Research Instrument
3.4.1 Specification Table of Instrument
Table 1.4 of Specification Table of Instrument
The student are able to make an essay in writing paragraph
Cognitive, C6
No. 1 (Essay)
Simple Present Tense
The student are able to answer multiple choice test
Cognitive, C6
No. 1 up 40
Vocabulary Mastery in term compound word
The student are able to Cross-puzzle and essay test
Cognitive, C6
No.1 up 40 ( A, B, and CEssay)
3.4.2        Validity and Reliability of Instrument  The Validity The Validity of Vocabulary Mastery and Simple present Tense
To get the validity of the test the researcher uses internal validity. Validity is a standard or criterion that shows the instrument is valid or not. A test is valid to extent that is measures what it claims to measure (Arikunto, 1985:145). To calculate the validity of each item the writer used the product moment formula:
Rxy      = coefficient of correlation between x and y variable or validity of each item.
N         = the number of students/subject participating in the test.
∑x        = the sum of score in each item.
∑x2      = the sum of the square score in each item.
∑y        = the sum of total score each students.
∑y2      = the sum of square total score from each students.
∑xy      = the sum of multiple of score from each student with the total       score in each item.           The Validity of Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive
The researcher was using essay writing as the test to number about the students’ skill in descriptive text. They have to write something through the paragraphs as the criteria in descriptive text which consisted of the main contents are orientation, even and re-orientation, and about generic structure in descriptive text. Every paragraph had point if all the paragraphs were great, and the students would get 100 score.  The Reliability        The Reliability of Vocabulary Mastery in term of Compound
Words and Simple Present Tense Mastery
The test can be said reliability if the test has been given in some place but the result of the test is the same with another place. To know the reliability of the test, the researcher will employ the formulation alpha of Arikunto (2006:196), as follow:
        = Coefficient correlation regularity level (reliability)
n           = Number of items.
  = Total score of each item
        = Total Variant

For finding the Variant formula, the researcher will use the formula below:
        = Total variant
= Total items which are quadrate
    = The total sum of the quadrate items
         = The number of items

The other words then from calculation result of interpreting the coefficient correlation according to Arikunto (2006:276) as follows:
Between 0.800 – 1.000    very high
Between 0.600 – 0.800    enough
Between 0.400 – 0.600    fair   The Reliability of Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive
To know whole reliability of descriptive writing of diary the researcher will use inters rater to give the score of students’ work. There is another rater who give score the students’ work. The score of Students work are divided by two. The Researcher also use single test single trial method to know the reliability of descriptive writing test. The formula will use to correlate the result is HJ X Fernandes cited in Arikunto (2006:201) formula as follow:
K  : Coefficient of agreement
S   : agreed, the same code for the same object
N1            : Number of code that made the rater I
N2            : Number of code that made the rater II

After going through several procedures, the formula is further refined, known as Rough Suitability Index (CCI) with as the same code, and N is the number of objects being observed. The smaller the value of KK is a list of checks or instruments of observation are more reliable.

3.5      The Data Collecting Technique
The data collecting for this research is gained from the student test result. The tests are intended to measure the students achievement in students mastery of simple present tense, vocabulary in term compound wordsand their ability in descriptive text to express their part activities in writing.The prosedure of tests are as follow:

Test to measure student’s achievement in vocabulary the kinds of the test administrated is essay, students’ mastery of simple present tense the kind of test administrated is multiple choice, in which the students are aksed to choose the correct one of four options offered of each question.

The students would get the highest score if they could write the right descriptive text which shoud be consisted with the criteria as follows:
-          Identification
-          Description
-          Language Features

The classes of those above scoring criteria in descriptive, they have some categories. Adaptedto Tribble’s statement and He says that “in scoring the students’ writing ability, the researcher used analytic rating scale. He describes thus classes ofcriteria throughout the table which it can be seen at appendix 6, and testing for this writing descriptive text it applies at appendix 3.

3.6      Data Analysis Technique
In analysis the data, the writer will use the descriptive qualitative research. The data is taking from the student’s mastery in simple present tense and the student’s their ability descriptive text test. Then, the result of scoring of both the researcher and the other were added and divided by two. After the researcher giving the test and finding the result of the test will be taken by using normality test and homogeneity test.

3.6.1  Normality test
In this research, to meansure normality test is used the formula as follows:
Ho  : Data normality distributed
Ha  : Data abnormally distributed
Normality test used is Kolmogrov (mirnov test in kolmogrov s mirnov test assusmes that variable distribution has continue, the formula is as follows :
D = max
Fo(X1)   : Distribution function of cumulative frequency from theoretic in Ho condition
Sn (Xi)  : Distribution function of cumulative frequency from observation as many as n.
By comparing D toward D kolmogrovsmirnov with significant level X
If D<D table so reject Ho and if D>D table so accept Ho

The decision is also can take based on significant score if the significant score < X so reject Ho So also in the control
·    Reject Ho if significant score less than ( < ) 0, or it means the distribution of data is not normal.
·    Accept Ho if significant score more than ( > ) 0, or H means the distribution data is normal.

3.6.2        Homogeneity test
The objective of homogeneity test is to know whether the sample is taken from homogeny Varian population or not.
Homogeneity is tasted by using one way ANOVA,
The formula is as follows:
                        Zit =      Yit –Yi
Yit         : the sample score in every variable
Yi           : the main of sample

With critical value F (α, k-1, n-k)
Criteria            :
·         If probability (sig) more than ( > ) 0,05 Ho is accepted;
·         If probability (sig) more than ( < ) 0,05 Ho is receipted;

3.6.3 Correlation Test
Correlation test usually used to search a correlation and direction of correlation between groups of data. Correlation coefficients has a value between -1 until 1, if coefficient value of correlation approach absolute value 1, showing that there is a strong correlation between both of variable that correlated. But, if coefficient value of correlation more and more approach 0 that means show that there is a correlation which not linier.
Correlation test usually used to search a correlation and direction of correlation between groups of data. Correlation coefficients has a value between -1 until 1, if coefficient value of correlation approach absolute value 1, showing that there is a strong correlation between both of variable that correlated. But, if coefficient value of correlation more and more approach 0 that means show that there is a correlation which not linier.
Commonly, known that are two kind of correlation namely; bivariate correlation is a correlation model that used just for know about the correlation between both of variables. And then, partial correlation is a correlations model that used to condition when measure of correlation between two variable.  Bivariat Correlation
Hipotesis test used correlation technique. Correlation test between or variable and predictor variable and criterium variable (Y, X1), (Y, X2), or between predictor variable (X1, X2) are counting used the correlation formula is product moment because the result of data is interval data. The formula is :
rxy =
There are ranges of correlation value based on Young:
·         0, 7 – 1, 00 positive or negative, showing of high degree of correlation.
·         0, 4 – 0, 7 positive or negative, showing of substantial degree of correlation.
·         0, 2 – 0, 4 positive or negative, showing of low degree of correlation.
·         <0, 2 positive or negative, showing of ignored correlation.
(Basrowi dan Soenyono, 2007: 109),  Partial Correlation
1).  (A First Order Partial Correlation)
Parsial correlation test is the first step correlation test between one predictor variable with criterium variable that control with other predictor variable. This testing used to getting correlation index number which not iffected other variables. This testing used to get index number and will using to count double correlation. The formula is:

Correlation between variable Y (criterium) with of  variable X1 (predictor) with controlled by variable  X2
Correlation between variable Y with  X2
Correlation variable X1 with  X2

Correlation between variable Y (criterium) with of  variable X1 (predictor) with controlled by variable  X2
Correlation between variable Y with  X2
Correlation variable X1 with  X2

2). (A Second Order Partial Correlation)
The second testing correlation is testing correlation between writing recounts which one of predictor variable that control with two other predictor variable. So, there are three test in second correlation, they are partial correlation between writing recount with vocabulary mastery in term of irregular verb that control simple past tense mastery, partial correlation between writing recount with simple past tense that control of vocabulary mastery of irregular verb. The formula are:  Multivariate Correlation
Multivariate correlation testing which have three variables (two predictor and one criterium variable) in order needed the value correlation between the three variables and need for r partial correlation between criterium variable control  and  variables. (Riyanto,2012).The first and the second partial correlation test have done before, so index correlation data have got from this count and it can use for count double correlation.
Those data was including in the formula as follow:
ry-123= correlation between Y with predictor


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Wallace. Michael J. 1988. Teaching Vocabulary . London: Heineman Educational Books.

1.1  Problem Background
Language is a tool used by humans as the way to communicate or interact. Languages become the most important in human life. Without language, we will not be able to interact or relate to other human beings. Own language and characters have different types, depending on his or her residence. Nevertheless, judging from its functional all the same language, namely as a means of communication or interaction.

Many of his countries make to each other to make a decision, which set one language as a means of international communication. Based on the conclusions of the above, English has been established as a means of international communication. So those, all country are required to teach English to his people. English skills have four skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing. And writing is the each one main aspect of English course, it’s very important for the students. Writing makes the students are able to write something which related with the students’ minds and it consists of some various genres. And they need to master about Vocabulary compound words. But, factually some of the senior high school, most the students finds the difficulties in their own vocabulary mastery. For example, until this time they are difficult to write something through the paragraphs, especially to the descriptive text, it happens because the number of them, they do not master about vocabulary, and get confused about simple present tense. The students do not understand about descriptive text where as they try to make it, as the researcher think that vocabulary and simple present tense mastery are the aspects which very important to make a written through the text and the students need to master about that all aspects if they want to write the paragraphs in descriptive text.

From those statements above in this writing the researcher concludes that before pre-survey at the tenth grade of SMA N1 Seputih Banyak in academic year 2012/2013, and takes focused of the correlation of simple present tense, vocabulary in term compound words mastery and the students’ writing ability of descriptive text.
Table 1.1.1 the students’ achievements of simple present tense and compound words
mastery at SMAN1 Seputih Banyak for the tenth grade Academic year 2012/2013.
Very High
5 %

10 %

15 %

20 %

Very Low
50 %

100 %

Source: SMA N 1 Seputih Banyak 2012/2013

The table shows that students who got very high score in simple present tense and compound words, they only reach numbers about 5%, high 10%, fair 15%, low 20%, and very low 50%. The numbers showed percentages of the students’ achievements for simple present tense and compound words mastery is low.

Table 1.1.1 The students’ achievements of writing descriptive text for the tenth grade
of SMAN1 Seputih Banyak Academic year 2012/2013.
Very High
5 %

10 %

15 %

20 %

Very Low
50 %

100 %

Source: SMA N 1 Seputih Banyak 2012/2013

Based on the table above, it can be drawn that students who got very high score to descriptive text achievement, they only reached numbers about 5%, high 10%, fair 15%, low 20%, and very low 50%. The numbers showed percentages of the students’ achievements in descriptive text is low.

Thus tables drawn in of simple present tense mastery, compoound words mastery, and the students’ writing skill of descriptive text, all of the objects have a correlation to each other which are positive and significant. If the students are able to master about simple present tense and vocabulary, they are able to write down sentences through the paragraphs in descriptive text.

1.2  Problem Identification
Based on the background above, the researcher focused of the correlation of simple present tense, compoound words mastery and the students’ writing ability of descriptive paragraphs, and find out some problems as follows:
1)      The students are difficult to make sentences of simple present tense
2)      The students have a limitation about compound words
3)      The students are still low about descriptive paragraph.

1.3  Problem Limitation
Based on the identification of the problem above, the research focused of the correlation of simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery, and the students’ writing ability of descriptive text for the tenth grade at SMA N1 Seputih Banyak Academic Year 2012/2013.

1.4  Problem Formulation
Based on the identification and limitation of the problems, the problems formulation about the objects, it can be numbered as these follows:
1)      Are there positive and significant correlation between simple present tense mastery and students ability in writing descriptive?
2)      Are there positive and significant correlation between compound wordsmastery and students ability in writing descriptive?
3)      Are there positive and significant correlation of simple present tense mastery compound words mastery, and students’ ability in writing descriptive simultaneously?

1.5  Research Objective
Objective of the study, based on the problem formulation above the objectives this research are:
1)      To know whether there are positive and significant correlation between simple present tense mastery and students ability in writing descriptive.
2)      To know whether there are positive and significant correlation between compound words masteryand the student ability in writing descriptive.
3)      To know whether there are positive and significant correlation of simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery and the student ability in writing descriptive simultaneously.

1.6  Research Scope
The subject of the research is the students of the tenth class of SMA N 1 Seputih Banyak.The object of the research is the correlation of students’ simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery and the students’ writing ability of descriptive text. Time of the research will be conducted in period 2012/2013.

1.7  Research Benefit
The resercher has goals in teaching process, and hopes this research has a lots benefit aspects which useful for:
1. For the students
The researcher hopes to the students are able to be aware and they know that in using of present tense, especially in simple present form, and compound words mastery through the descriptive text.

2. For the teacher
To give information for the teacher at there is correlation of students’, simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery and the students’ writing ability of descriptive text.

3. Another Researcher
The researcher hopes to see another researcher, they will know about correlation of  student’s simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery and the students’ writing ability of descriptive text because the objects are correlated to each other.


2.1  Previous Research Overview
In this research, the researcher overviews about two previous researches before, they are:The first one is The Correlation of Students’ Simple Sentence Mastery and Paragraph Writing Ability at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Metro, by Nova Cahya Sari. This research is to know whether there are significant correlation of students’ simple sentence mastery and paragraph writing ability. She was identified some problems to do this research. There are: 1) students’ ability in writing by using English language is less. And 2) students’ are difficult to develop their ideas in form of writing in paragraph. She said that in writing a text we must be able to use a good language and we also must be able to arrange good sentence grammatically in order the reader understand about the content of writing.

The second previous research is conducted by Siti Karimah, and titled : The Student Mastery On The Simple presents tense, compound sentences mastery, with their ability in Writing descriptive Text at The Tenth Grade Of Senior High School SMA PGRI I Tumijajar 2008/2009”.

The different between those two previous researches with this research are:
The first, she did the research to know the student mastery of simple present tense in writing descriptive paragraph. She has that the students have not understood the simple present tense perfectly. The students get the difficulty to choose present from in their writing descriptive paragraph.

                 The second, she did the research you know the students teaching learning process in mastering the simple present tense through descriptive text writing still not maximum yet because the students have not understood yet the simple present tense perfectly, they get difficulty in writing descriptive text and get confused about the structure and grammar.

Followed the previous research above, the researcher is interested to do the research under the tittle the correlation between students’ simple present tense, compound words mastery and their descriptive writing paragraph ability at the tenth grade class of SMA N1 Seputih Banyak academic year 2012/ 2013.

2.2         Theoretical Review
The researcher takes some concepts to support the research as follows:

2.2.1        Concept of Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense is the most popular tense in using. According to Azar (2005:60) simple present tense is generally used to express event or situations that exist, always, usually, habitually. It means that if we will express situation that exist, always, usually, habitually we should using the simple present tense. And the simple present tense is one of tenses which is we should master if we will make a descriptive paragraph.
Simple present tense has pattren, there are:
a.                       Verbal sentence
Formula :  (+) S + V1 ( s/ es) + O/C
(-) S + do/ does + not + V1 + O/C
( ?) Do/ does + S + V1 + O/C
(-?) Does / do + S + Not + V1 + O/C
(+) My mother cooks the cake in the kitchen.
( - ) My mother does not cook the cake in the kitchen.
( ? ) Does my mother cook the cake in the morning?
Notes :             S/ ES : he, she it
            Does    : he, she, it
            Do       : they, we, i ,you
b.                              Nominal sentence
Formula : (+) S + TOBE ( is, am are) + Adjective/ Adverb
(- ) S +  TOBE ( is, am are) + not + Adjective/ Adverb
(? ) TOBE ( is, am are) + S + Adjective/ Adverb
(-?)TOBE ( is, am are) + S + not + Adjective/ Adverb
Example :
( + ) Justin Bieber is handsome boy.
( -  ) Justin Bieber is not handsome boy.
( ? ) Is Justin Bieber handsome boy?
Useless of simple present tense:
Use time signal
a)      Adverb of time = put on first or least of sentence
Every day                                every / each
Every week                             in the morning
Every month                           at sevent
Every year                               once / twice a day
b)      Adverb of frequency = put on after to belajar or before verb
-          Frequency adverb  follow am, is are:
Always, usually, often, sometime, seldom, raely, never.

Based on the data, the simple present tense is used to express daily habit or usually activities.The simple present tense is also used to express present tense time. Here, in indicates present time which many non action verb, especially those expressing state or conditions.

2.2.2        Concept of Compound Word Mastery
The words in the English language, especially adjectives and nouns, can be combined in a composite construction (compound structures) in various ways. And when combined word is formed, then they have a meaning or meanings of new words. One sure way to know the combined words in term compound words by using a good English dictionary to find and learn the words of the joint.
There are three forms of compound words:
1. Closed form(combined words), eg,secondhand, softball, keyboard, notebook, etc.
2. Hyphenated form, for example: his daughter-in-law, master-at-arms, six-pack, etc.
3. Open form(individual words), eg, post office, real estate, middleclass, etc.

Compound words, such as a high school and the peanut butter, as opposed to the wearing of a word or described by adjectives, such as: a little school and the yellow butter. Take a look in the dictionary, compound words always have a special meaning.

The incorporation of the word often uses hyphens (-) to avoid confusion or false meaning, for example: old-furniture salesman, part-time teacher, the highest-priced car, etc. Adverb or adverb sending in-ly do not use a hyphen when combined with other words, for example: a weekly news paper, a highly rated bank, a partially refunded ticket.

Hyphens are also used to describe a person with age, such as my six-year-old son. However, if the age is placed after the person, then a hyphen is used: my son is six years old.

From statement above it can be confirmed that Compound words are two words that join together and form a new meaning. But every word has a meaning that is not far away.
2.2.3 Concept of Writing Descriptive
Chackraverty and Guantum (2003) state that “the writing is an important part of language learning is essentially a reflective activity that requires enough time to think about the specific topic. The analyze and classify language to structure. This idea in this view writing is not a product but an activity of a mental process.

The definition of descriptive text is text with says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place or thing. It is clear that descriptive text only shows the fact.

The generics structures of descriptive text are: identifying the phenomena to be describe, and describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities and characteristics; the language features of descriptive text are: using attribute and identifying process, using adjective and classifiers in nominal group, and using simple present tense.
It can be concluded that descriptive text aims at giving vivid details of how something or someone looks. A descriptive text tells the reader what the thing is, or what the thing does. A description should be so unique that a description of one thing should be different from a description another thing. On other words, descriptive text is not used the generalization. All different, reader should be able to show the same thing being described in the text. The Lexicon- grammar text is dominated with simple present tense. This is due to the factual nature of a descriptive text. The text only shows fact. The clause system is dominated with relational and material process. Relational process is much employed do show identification of the thing being describe, while material process is used to show what the thing does. Because descriptive text show the attribute of the thing, most clauses us adjective the adjective are mostly descriptive rather that attitudinal. Descriptive text usually also show part- whole relationship. When describing a guava tree in front of your house, for example, the description should cover the description of the whole tree and its part like the trunk, the branches, leaves and many other parts.

Descriptive gives sense impressions of the feel, sound, taste, smell and look of thing, emotion maybe describe too: felling such as happiness, fear, loneliness gloom and joy. Descriptive helps the reader through his/her imagination, to visualize a scene or a person, or to understand a sensation or an emotion (Wishon and Burk, 1989:128)
In senior High School level,  the students study about the purpose,  generic structure and language features of the descriptive text they are:
Purpose: to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail.      
1.Identification: identifying the phenomena to be describewith says what a
person or a thing is like.
2.Description: describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/ and
3.  Language Features: Using Present Tense

Based on the statement above, descriptive text is a text which says what a person or things is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

2.3  Thinking Framework
There are 3 variables in this research. They are 2 predictor variables X1 and X2, and  criterium variable (Y ). They are as follow:

2.3.1        The Correlation of Simple Present Tense, Compound Words Mastery and the Students’ Writing ability of Descriptive text
Writing skill is one of fourth skill in learning language. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Writing skill is the most difficult skill between the others. Because in writing, the students should not only learn the vocabularies and structure, but they should understand the way to express their idea. In writing, the readers are not faced with the writer directly therefore, the writer has to communicate the message clearly.

The teaching writing, especially in descriptive paragraph often makes the students feel so difficult because they do not master both tenses which uses on it there are simple present tense and vocabulary in term compound words and it causes them difficult to express their idea. In this case, the teacher should use the better technique to increase students’ simple present tense.

(Simple Present Tense)
(Vocabulary Mastery)
Simple present tense is the important thing to make a good paragraph of writing. If the students master it, they are easier to express their idea in their writing.In this research, the writer will be shows how far the correlation between students’ simple present tense and vocabulary in term compound wordand their descriptive writing ability. In this research the researcher limited the component of tenses around simple present tense and as we know, both of components of tenses above are as the genre in descriptive paragraph. From the result of test that writer will give to the students, we will know whether from the second components of tenses above that have correlation to the student’s descriptive writing paragraph. The thinking frameworks in this research can see below:
Criterium Variable
(Descriptive Text)

Figure 2.1 Figure the correlation of variabel in this research
2.4              Hypothesis
Based on the theories, the researcher formulated the hypothesis as follows:
1)        There are positive and significant correlation between students’ simple present tense mastery and the students’ writing ability of descriptive text
2)        There are positive and significant correlation between Compound words mastery and the students’ writing ability of descriptive text
3)        There are positive and significant a correlation of students’ simple present
       tense, Compound words mastery and the students’ writing
       ability of descriptive text simultaneously.


3.1         Research Design
In this research the researcher used this is quantitative research used correlation study. That is one of ex post facto design. Correlation study here means that the writer used one group to be tested and takes the data without giving any treatment. The researcher uses this design because he tried to find out the direct relationship between the predictor and criterium variables from a group of students who give the data on two different variables without giving any treatment or control.

This research, the researcher used tests to get the data of simple present tense mastery,compound words mastery and the students’ ability in writing descriptive. After getting the data, the researcher analyzed it and then gave the description whether there is a significant correlation of simple present tense mastery (X1), compound words (X2),as the predictor and the students’ ability in writing descriptive(Y) as the criterium variable.
The Design of this research is:
T1                    T2                    T3
( Hattach and Faradhy, 1982: P.27 )
à Test 1     x1® y
à ­­Test 2     x2® y
à Test 3     x1® x2 ® y
Test 1     : Test simple present tense mastery
Test 2     : Test vocabulary mastery
Test 3     : Test writing descriptive

It means, in doing the research, the researcher will use test of simple present tense mastery (T1 ), compound words mastery (T2) and then it is continued by test of writing descriptive (T3). The tests are proposed to find out the students' simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery and the students’ ability in writing descriptive. The researcher did not give the third test for the students who got low score. The researcher hopes after conducting those tests. The students will know the level of their simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery and the students’ ability in writing descriptive especially for the students who have low ability in simple present tense mastery, compound words mastery in the students’ ability in writing descriptive.

3.2  Research Variable
The researcher has determined three variables of the research that while is investigated, they are:
1)      The criterium variable of this is the students ability in writing descriptive that is symbolized by ( y );
2)      The predictor variable of this research is the students simple present tense mastery that is symbolized by ( X1 );
3)      The predictor variable of this research is the students’ compound words mastery that is symbolized by (X2).

3.2.1 Conceptual Definition of the Students’ Mastery in Simple Present Tense
The simple present tense is used to express daily habit or usually activities. The simple present tense is also used to express present tense time. Here, in indicates present time which many non action verb, especially those expressing state or conditions.

3.2.2   Operational Definition of the Students’ Mastery in Simple Present Tense
In simple present tense test which consists of 40 items. This test is multiple choices which consist of four options (A, B, C, and D). This test used to the students’ simple present tense mastery.

3.2.3        Conceptual Definition of the Students Compound Words mastery
Compound words are two words that join together and form a new meaning. But every word has a meaning that is not far away.

3.2.4 Operational Definition of the Students Compound Words Mastery
In vocabulary in term compound words test which consists of 40 items. This test is cross-puzzle and essay. This test used to the students’ vocabulary mastery in term compound words.

3.2.5 Conceptual Definition of the Student’s Their Ability in Descriptive Text
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or things is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

3.2.6 Operational Definition of the Students’Their Ability in Discriptive Text

In the writing paragraph test, the researcher would like give essay test. The students must make a paragraph consist of 200 words. The topic of it is “Free”. This test used to know, how far the students’ can make in paragraph writing well according their ideas.

3.3         Research Population, Sampling Technique and Sample
3.3.1        Population
The population of this research is the grade tenth of SMA N1 Seputih Banyak which consists of two classes. There are X1, X2, X3, and X4. Total sum of the whole students of grade tenth is 100 students.

3.3.2 Sampling Technique
The researcher takes randomly sampling. To get sampling from researcher population, the researcher does some steps as follows:
1.      The whole student of grade tenth
2.      Write the classes in piece of paper
3.      The paper wrapped and then put into a jar
4.      Then, there is a little slit on the jar’s mouth to let one piece wrapped out
5.      The paper which comes out firstly is as the sample of this research.

3.3.3        Sample
Haryati  in Kusnadi (2008:80) “ Sample is a part of population that will be rsearched” it means that the sample is the object that have selected  to research. So, the sample in this research are 50 students.

3.4    Research Instrument
3.4.1 Specification Table of Instrument
Table 1.4 of Specification Table of Instrument
The student are able to make an essay in writing paragraph
Cognitive, C6
No. 1 (Essay)
Simple Present Tense
The student are able to answer multiple choice test
Cognitive, C6
No. 1 up 40
Vocabulary Mastery in term compound word
The student are able to Cross-puzzle and essay test
Cognitive, C6
No.1 up 40 ( A, B, and CEssay)
3.4.2        Validity and Reliability of Instrument  The Validity The Validity of Vocabulary Mastery and Simple present Tense
To get the validity of the test the researcher uses internal validity. Validity is a standard or criterion that shows the instrument is valid or not. A test is valid to extent that is measures what it claims to measure (Arikunto, 1985:145). To calculate the validity of each item the writer used the product moment formula:
Rxy      = coefficient of correlation between x and y variable or validity of each item.
N         = the number of students/subject participating in the test.
∑x        = the sum of score in each item.
∑x2      = the sum of the square score in each item.
∑y        = the sum of total score each students.
∑y2      = the sum of square total score from each students.
∑xy      = the sum of multiple of score from each student with the total       score in each item.           The Validity of Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive
The researcher was using essay writing as the test to number about the students’ skill in descriptive text. They have to write something through the paragraphs as the criteria in descriptive text which consisted of the main contents are orientation, even and re-orientation, and about generic structure in descriptive text. Every paragraph had point if all the paragraphs were great, and the students would get 100 score.  The Reliability        The Reliability of Vocabulary Mastery in term of Compound
Words and Simple Present Tense Mastery
The test can be said reliability if the test has been given in some place but the result of the test is the same with another place. To know the reliability of the test, the researcher will employ the formulation alpha of Arikunto (2006:196), as follow:
        = Coefficient correlation regularity level (reliability)
n           = Number of items.
  = Total score of each item
        = Total Variant

For finding the Variant formula, the researcher will use the formula below:
        = Total variant
= Total items which are quadrate
    = The total sum of the quadrate items
         = The number of items

The other words then from calculation result of interpreting the coefficient correlation according to Arikunto (2006:276) as follows:
Between 0.800 – 1.000    very high
Between 0.600 – 0.800    enough
Between 0.400 – 0.600    fair   The Reliability of Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive
To know whole reliability of descriptive writing of diary the researcher will use inters rater to give the score of students’ work. There is another rater who give score the students’ work. The score of Students work are divided by two. The Researcher also use single test single trial method to know the reliability of descriptive writing test. The formula will use to correlate the result is HJ X Fernandes cited in Arikunto (2006:201) formula as follow:
K  : Coefficient of agreement
S   : agreed, the same code for the same object
N1            : Number of code that made the rater I
N2            : Number of code that made the rater II

After going through several procedures, the formula is further refined, known as Rough Suitability Index (CCI) with as the same code, and N is the number of objects being observed. The smaller the value of KK is a list of checks or instruments of observation are more reliable.

3.5      The Data Collecting Technique
The data collecting for this research is gained from the student test result. The tests are intended to measure the students achievement in students mastery of simple present tense, vocabulary in term compound wordsand their ability in descriptive text to express their part activities in writing.The prosedure of tests are as follow:

Test to measure student’s achievement in vocabulary the kinds of the test administrated is essay, students’ mastery of simple present tense the kind of test administrated is multiple choice, in which the students are aksed to choose the correct one of four options offered of each question.

The students would get the highest score if they could write the right descriptive text which shoud be consisted with the criteria as follows:
-          Identification
-          Description
-          Language Features

The classes of those above scoring criteria in descriptive, they have some categories. Adaptedto Tribble’s statement and He says that “in scoring the students’ writing ability, the researcher used analytic rating scale. He describes thus classes ofcriteria throughout the table which it can be seen at appendix 6, and testing for this writing descriptive text it applies at appendix 3.

3.6      Data Analysis Technique
In analysis the data, the writer will use the descriptive qualitative research. The data is taking from the student’s mastery in simple present tense and the student’s their ability descriptive text test. Then, the result of scoring of both the researcher and the other were added and divided by two. After the researcher giving the test and finding the result of the test will be taken by using normality test and homogeneity test.

3.6.1  Normality test
In this research, to meansure normality test is used the formula as follows:
Ho  : Data normality distributed
Ha  : Data abnormally distributed
Normality test used is Kolmogrov (mirnov test in kolmogrov s mirnov test assusmes that variable distribution has continue, the formula is as follows :
D = max
Fo(X1)   : Distribution function of cumulative frequency from theoretic in Ho condition
Sn (Xi)  : Distribution function of cumulative frequency from observation as many as n.
By comparing D toward D kolmogrovsmirnov with significant level X
If D<D table so reject Ho and if D>D table so accept Ho

The decision is also can take based on significant score if the significant score < X so reject Ho So also in the control
·    Reject Ho if significant score less than ( < ) 0, or it means the distribution of data is not normal.
·    Accept Ho if significant score more than ( > ) 0, or H means the distribution data is normal.

3.6.2        Homogeneity test
The objective of homogeneity test is to know whether the sample is taken from homogeny Varian population or not.
Homogeneity is tasted by using one way ANOVA,
The formula is as follows:
                        Zit =      Yit –Yi
Yit         : the sample score in every variable
Yi           : the main of sample

With critical value F (α, k-1, n-k)
Criteria            :
·         If probability (sig) more than ( > ) 0,05 Ho is accepted;
·         If probability (sig) more than ( < ) 0,05 Ho is receipted;

3.6.3 Correlation Test
Correlation test usually used to search a correlation and direction of correlation between groups of data. Correlation coefficients has a value between -1 until 1, if coefficient value of correlation approach absolute value 1, showing that there is a strong correlation between both of variable that correlated. But, if coefficient value of correlation more and more approach 0 that means show that there is a correlation which not linier.
Correlation test usually used to search a correlation and direction of correlation between groups of data. Correlation coefficients has a value between -1 until 1, if coefficient value of correlation approach absolute value 1, showing that there is a strong correlation between both of variable that correlated. But, if coefficient value of correlation more and more approach 0 that means show that there is a correlation which not linier.
Commonly, known that are two kind of correlation namely; bivariate correlation is a correlation model that used just for know about the correlation between both of variables. And then, partial correlation is a correlations model that used to condition when measure of correlation between two variable.  Bivariat Correlation
Hipotesis test used correlation technique. Correlation test between or variable and predictor variable and criterium variable (Y, X1), (Y, X2), or between predictor variable (X1, X2) are counting used the correlation formula is product moment because the result of data is interval data. The formula is :
rxy =
There are ranges of correlation value based on Young:
·         0, 7 – 1, 00 positive or negative, showing of high degree of correlation.
·         0, 4 – 0, 7 positive or negative, showing of substantial degree of correlation.
·         0, 2 – 0, 4 positive or negative, showing of low degree of correlation.
·         <0, 2 positive or negative, showing of ignored correlation.
(Basrowi dan Soenyono, 2007: 109),  Partial Correlation
1).  (A First Order Partial Correlation)
Parsial correlation test is the first step correlation test between one predictor variable with criterium variable that control with other predictor variable. This testing used to getting correlation index number which not iffected other variables. This testing used to get index number and will using to count double correlation. The formula is:

Correlation between variable Y (criterium) with of  variable X1 (predictor) with controlled by variable  X2
Correlation between variable Y with  X2
Correlation variable X1 with  X2

Correlation between variable Y (criterium) with of  variable X1 (predictor) with controlled by variable  X2
Correlation between variable Y with  X2
Correlation variable X1 with  X2

2). (A Second Order Partial Correlation)
The second testing correlation is testing correlation between writing recounts which one of predictor variable that control with two other predictor variable. So, there are three test in second correlation, they are partial correlation between writing recount with vocabulary mastery in term of irregular verb that control simple past tense mastery, partial correlation between writing recount with simple past tense that control of vocabulary mastery of irregular verb. The formula are:  Multivariate Correlation
Multivariate correlation testing which have three variables (two predictor and one criterium variable) in order needed the value correlation between the three variables and need for r partial correlation between criterium variable control  and  variables. (Riyanto,2012).The first and the second partial correlation test have done before, so index correlation data have got from this count and it can use for count double correlation.
Those data was including in the formula as follow:
ry-123= correlation between Y with predictor


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