Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

YEAR 2011/2012.

(A Proposal)

Ajie Sofyan Putra


COVER ...........................................................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................

1.1    Problem Background ................................................................................................
1.2    Problem Identification ..............................................................................................
1.3    Problem Limitation ...................................................................................................
1.4    Problem Formulation ................................................................................................
1.5    Research Objective ...................................................................................................

2.1  Previous Research Overview .....................................................................................
2.2  Theoretical Review ....................................................................................................
2.3  Thinking Framework .................................................................................................
2.4  Hypothesis ..................................................................................................................

3.1  Research Design .........................................................................................................
3.2  Reserch variable .........................................................................................................
3.3  Research  Population and Sample ..............................................................................
3.4  Research Instrument ...................................................................................................
3.4.1        Specification Table of  Instrument ................................................................
3.4.2        Validity and Reliability .................................................................................
3.5  Data Collecting Technique ........................................................................................
3.6  Data Analysis Technique ...........................................................................................
3.6.1        Normality Test ..............................................................................................
3.6.2        Homogeneity Test .........................................................................................





1.1  Problem Background
Language is a set of rules used by human as a tool of their communication. The using of language is governed by the conventional rules shared by the speakers of the language. Each of them must obey the rules. Otherwise, they cannot use it effectively for their sake of their communication. They cannot communicate well. Even worst, they cannot understand each other. English is known as an international language and as a second language, which is used and learned by all people in the world. In Indonesia, English constitutes the first foreign language that is used in the school. English also is one of obligatory subject that must be followed by the students in the school and else.
In teaching foreign language, we deal with language skills and competence. There are four language skills are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. And also there are three components of English are phonetic, vocabulary, and grammar. From that all, the important skill to communicate with each other is speaking. Speaking is a thing that we do to communicate with someone. If we do not speak, someone will not understand what we mean. If we want to study about speaking correctly, school is the best way. In the school, our teacher will learn and accompany us to study about how to speak well. In speaking, there are many methods that can be used so that easy for the students to speak and communicate with someone or their friends. Method can help the teacher in explaining or teaching the material because it is the key in reaching the global learning.
 In speaking, the methods that will be used are role play and brainstorming learning method. Role play is a technique recommended in communicative approach. Communicative approach can increase the students’ speaking ability. Since the students are boring in their speaking, the teacher can use it to refresh the students mind. As according to Djajadisastra (1982:32) sates that:
“Role play is one teaching method in which the teacher gives chance to the students to play certain roles as it happens in real life or society. Through this method, they learn what they feel, think and want in the condition as if they were figured that they play. Role Play in learning process, the actor plays the role without text or training. It means the performance is based on title and the situation.”

In speaking, the students should speak up, say everything that want you say. The Role Play is very interesting method to use. And also another method that is brainstorming is good to use to increase the students’ speaking ability. According to Brown states that is “Brainstorming is a type of prewriting that allows you to explore many ideas as soon as they occur to you.” To know the students’ speaking ability, the Role Play and Brainstorming method is very interesting, because the students will enjoy and can explore their ability to think or imagined. In this case that become the problems are the students are confused when the teacher give a playing in Role Play method and their brainstorming is still low when say something or statement. Because the students are still difficult to receive that method, so the students’ speaking ability is still low.
Based on the problems above, the teacher role is much needed because in this method the teacher instruction is very important before the students try to say something in playing or say something according to their opinion or their brainstorming.


Table 1. Pre observation data of The Influence of Role Play and Brainstorming Learning Method               toward Speaking Ability.
Very High




Very low


Source : The observation toward learning process at the second semester of English  education in
              Muhammadiyah University of Metro in academic year 2012-1013.           

1.2  Problem Identification
From the problem background above, the researcher would like to identify the problem of research as follow:
1)      The students are confused when the teacher give a playing in Role Play method;
2)      Their brainstorming is still low when say something or statement;
3)      The students’ speaking ability is still low to use role play and brainstorming learning method.

1.3  Problem Limitation
Based on the problem background and problem identification, so in the research the researcher would like to limit the problem as follow:
1)      The students ability in Role Play method;
2)      The students brainstorming ability;
3)      The students’ speaking ability.

1.4  Problem Formulation
Considering the limitation above, the focus of problems is the students have lack to use Role Play and Brainstorming learning method in their speaking ability.
So, the formulations of the problems are:
1)      Is there any influence of Role Play learning method toward the students’ speaking ability?
2)      Is there any influence of Brainstorming learning method toward the students’ speaking ability?
3)      Is there any difference of Role Play and Brainstorming learning method toward the students’ speaking ability?

1.5  Research Objective
To know    :
1)      Whether there is positive and significant influence of using Role Play learning method toward the students’ speaking ability;
2)      Whether there is positive and significant influence of using Brainstorming learning method and the students’ speaking ability;
3)      Whether there is positive and significant influence of using Role Play and Brainstorming learning method toward the students’ speaking ability.


2.1 Previous Research Overview
The first research overview is conducted by Afrida Sari, Astri in Adha S-1 thesis with the title “A Comparative Study between Teaching Indirect Speech through Role Play and Explanatory Technique” at the first year in the second semester of SMA N 2 SEPUTIH BANYAK. Adha have research purpose to find there is a significant different of students’ indirect speech achievement between the students who are taught through Role Play technique and those taught through explanatory technique. And the research was used design in this research is control group pretest-posttest design. By conducting this research the researcher has found that Role Play technique is more interesting for the students and the students taught study indirect speech by the Role Play technique can increase mastery teaching indirect speech. Therefore, conclusion from this research showed that Role Play technique is better than explanatory technique toward the students’ indirect speech achievement at SMA N 2 SEPUTIH BANYAK.            
The second research overview is conducted by Maulita, Eny (2010) entitle: “Increasing the Students’ Narrative Paragraph Writing Performance through Brainstorming Technique”. The research that the researcher will do the researcher has to find out any techniques that relevant to the students’ interest. The teacher are suggested to create techniques that are suitable in teaching learning process that will help to increase the students’ writing narrative paragraph performance. Brainstorming is a technique which is suitable technique to teach writing.
 This technique is done at prewriting. So, the students can make a concept of writing before do their writing task. The different between those two previous researches is the different method that is used in teaching. However, those two method that are Role Play ad Brainstorming technique is very interest to study because the students should open their mind. From this research, the researcher interest to find out whether there is positive and significant influence of using Role Play and Brainstorming learning method toward the students’ speaking ability.
2.2 Theoretical Review
The theory base supporting this research includes the concept of speaking ability, concept of Role Play learning method, and the concept of Brainstorming learning method. The explanation of each sub topic as follow:
2.2.1 Concept of Speaking Ability
Speaking is one of the skills that have to be mastered by students in learning English. It is important for students to known definition first. Many experts define speaking in different ways. Brown and Yule stated in their book “Speaking is to express the needs or request, information, service, etc. The speakers say words to the listener not only to express what in her mind but also to express what he needs whether information service. Most people might spend of their everyday life in communicating with other. The communication consists of communication, of ideas, of opinions, of feeling. Therefore, communication involves at least two people where both sender and receiver need to communicate to exchange information, ideas, opinions, views, or feelings.
Jones stated, “Speaking is a form of communication. We can say that the speaker must consider the person they are talking to as listeners. The activity that the person does primary based on particular goal. So, it is important that everything we wants to say is conveyed in an effective way, because speaking is not only producing sounds but also a process of achieving goals that involves transferring messages across.
Albert Valdman said, “The ability to speak a foreign language is without doubt the most highly prized language skills, and rightly. So, because he was can speak the language well can also understand it and can learn to read it with relative case an also the ability to speak a language will greatly expedite and facilitate learning to write it.
Yusnaini Lubis says, “Question and answer, major elements in natural conversation sessions”. Beside on that statement we conclude that one of important aspects in speaking is there is a communication or interacting between the speaker and listener. So it will make the good attraction / understanding about the object of topic.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that speaking is the important skill in English to communicate with others. To be a good speaker’s must be clear, so that listeners can understand what the speaker says. Here, the speaker must consider fluency, intonation, pronunciation, and others. If you speak quickly, listeners may have difficulty. But you as the speaker should have clearly saying, intonation, and some stress so that the listener can understand what you mean.

2.2.2 Concept of Role Play Learning Method
Blatner, Adam (2009) stated that Role playing is a methodology derived from sociodrama that may be used to help students understand the more subtle aspects of literature, social studies, and even some aspects of science or mathematics. Further, it can help them become more interested and involved, not only learning about the material, but learning also to integrate the knowledge in action, by addressing problems, exploring alternatives, and seeking novel and creative solutions. Role playing is the best way to develop the skills of initiative, communication, problem-solving, self-awareness, and working cooperatively in teams, and these are above all--certainly above the learning of mere facts, many if not most of which will be obsolete or irrelevant in a few years--will help these young people be prepared for dealing with the challenges of the Twenty-First Century.
Afrida Sari in Smith (1994:1) “Role Play also provides opportunities for deed learning along with a process for confronting our existing ideas about how and why certain these happen, breaking them down and offering a new model or set of postulates to replace the old ones”.
Afrida in Oemar (2009:214)”Role Play consist of nine steps that is heating, choose participant, prepare observer, configuring grand stand, performing character, discussion and evaluation, performing character repeats, discussion and second evaluation and share experience and conclusion”.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that Role play is one teaching method in which the teacher gives chance to the students to play certain roles as it happens in real life or society. Through this method, they learn what they feel, think and want in the condition as if they were figured that they play.
Role Play in learning process, the actor plays the role without text or training. It means the performance is based on title and the situation. All the action given to the students, the teacher just gives general explanation. Trough this way, the role being played becomes more alive and real.
2.2.3 Concept of Brainstorming Learning Method
Maulita in Brown (2010) said that Brainstorming is a type of prewriting that allows you to explore many ideas as soon as they occur to you.
Maulita in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainstorming, November 26th 2010 stated that Brainstorming is a group creativity technique designed to generate a large number of ideas for the solution of a problems.
Maulita in http:ezinearticlea.com/?Writing-Technique-For-Adult-ESL Students&id=3448147, November 26th 2010 stated that Brainstorming is probably the most effective of all the writing techniques it helps ESL students think through their topics without having them judge what items up, one after another, without worrying about putting them in any special order. Encourage students to accumulate as many details as they can think of.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that Brainstorming is a technique or learning method where the students should explore their ideas to say or describe something and the students should have a good creativity to create some words, so they are easy to open their mind to say something well.

2.3 Thinking Framework
Haryanti in Kusnadi (2008:57) “Thinking framework is a tentative statement about indication which becomes object of problem in the research”. There are three variables in this research; they are independent variable (X) are Role Play and Brainstorming learning method. The dependent variable (Y) is speaking ability. All the learning method are has influence toward the students’ speaking ability. The thinking framework in this research is consist of the researcher thinking about the influence of each learning method toward the students’ speaking ability, and the influence of both of learning method toward the students’ speaking ability simultaneously, as follow:
2.3.1 Influence of Using Role Play Learning Method toward the Students’ Speaking Ability
Based on the research that have done by the researcher, the Role Play learning method is very good to increase the students’ Speaking ability because in the Role Play method, the students should play a game that has given by the teacher and according to the teacher explanation and direction. Here, the students can play characters like in socio drama or another playing that any the title only and it can increase the students’ speaking ability. Like in drama, the students should able how to be the character of someone and figure out it. The students should understand about the title and situation before they try to act out the characters. The Role Play learning method has big influence toward the students’ speaking ability.

2.3.2 Influence of Using Brainstorming Learning Method toward the Students’ Speaking Ability
Based on the researcher that the researcher have done, the researcher would make a definition that the Brainstorming learning method has many influence toward the students’ speaking ability. In Brainstorming, the students should show their imaginative thinking to create some new words. In speaking, the students should master this method because in speaking is very needed creative thinking. If the students have a good imaginative and able to sharpen their brain, so easy for them to speak everything. The Brainstorming learning method or sharpen the thinking method has influence toward the students’ speaking ability.
2.3.3 Influence of Using Role Play and Brainstorming Learning Method toward the Students’ Speaking Ability
Based on the research that the researcher have done, the researcher make a definition that speaking is an important English skill to communicate with someone. In this case the first method that interesting to use is Role Play learning method, because in Role Play the students should able how to act out a character according to the title, topic, and situation and based on the teacher direction. This method will make our speaking class more enjoy.  After the students are able to master the Role Play method, after that as the second method that is used is Brainstorming learning method where the students should able to sharpen their brain ad explore their thinking to describe or say something. After the students are able to figure out a character like in drama, the students are hoped able to create their own word to say something. If, the students are able to create many new words and open their imagination, so it will make influence toward the students’ speaking ability.

2.4 Hypothesis
Based on the above theory some hypothesis can be made as follow:
1)      There is positive and significant influence of using Role Play learning method toward the students’ speaking ability;
2)      There is positive and significant influence of using Brainstorming learning method toward the students’ speaking ability;
3)      There is positive and significant influence of using Role Play and Brainstorming learning method toward the students’ speaking ability.

3.1 Research Design
The research will be conducted a quantitative, in the form of experiment research. Suharsimi Arikunto defines quantitative research as “appropriate with the name, this research is much demanded by using number, beginning from collecting the data, interpretation toward the data, and the result”.
In this research, the researcher use two groups randomized pretest posttest design. In http://www.experiment-recources.com/pretest-posttest-designs.html states that pretest posttest designs are an expansion of the posttest only design with nonequivalent, one of the simples’ methods of testing the influence of an intervention. In this design, which uses two groups, one group is given the treatment and the results are gathered at the end. The control group receives no treatment over the same period of time, but undergoes exactly the same test. In this research, they are first class as experiment class with Role Play learning method and the second class as the control class with Brainstorming leaning method.
The reason of the researcher to use two groups randomized pretest posttest design because the researcher want to know about the different influence of using the learning method toward the students’ speaking ability.

Using Role Play Method
Experiment                    Class
Control Class
Using Brainstorming Method
The influence toward the students’ speaking ability

The formula of using two groups randomized pretest posttest design is:
R =
Note:   R  = Randomized
            E  = Experiment
            C  = Control
            T1 = Pre Test
            X1 = Role Play method
            X2 = Brainstorming method
3.2 Research Variable
Haryanti in Hatch in Farhady (1982:12-15) “Variable can be defined as an attribute of a person or of an object which ‘varies’ from person to person or from object to object”. This research consists of three variables. They are two variables X and one variable Y.
Widi Adnyani in Setiadi (2006:106) “Dependent variable is main variable in a research while independent variable is a variable which in a research to be caused or function influence dependent variable.  
3.2.1 Conceptual Definition of Speaking Ability
Speaking is the important skill in English to communicate with others. To be a good speaker’s must be clear, so that listeners can understand what the speaker says. Here, the speaker must consider fluency, intonation, pronunciation, and others. If you speak quickly, listeners may have difficulty. But you as the speaker should have clearly saying, intonation, and some stress so that the listener can understand what you mean.
3.2.2 Operational Definition of Speaking Ability
Students’ speaking ability is the score that is gotten from the test that have done by the students, from the material as follow:
1)      Fluency;
2)      Structure;
3)      Vocabulary;
4)      Intonation;
5)      Pronunciation.

3.2.3 Conceptual Definition of Role Play Learning Method
Role play is one teaching method in which the teacher gives chance to the students to play certain roles as it happens in real life or society. Through this method, they learn what they feel, think and want in the condition as if they were figured that they play. Role Play in learning process, the actor plays the role without text or training. It means the performance is based on title and the situation. All the action given to the students, the teacher just gives general explanation. Trough this way, the role being played becomes more alive and real.
3.2.4 Operational Definition of Role Play Learning Method
Role Play learning method is the method that is used in learning activity. Here, the students’ mastery in using Role Play learning method is the score that is gotten from the test that have done by the students, from the material as follow:
1)      It’s something that;
2)      Telephone Lines;
3)      How many would you like?.
3.2.5 Conceptual Definition of Brainstorming Leaning Method
Brainstorming is a technique or learning method where the students should explore their ideas to say or describe something and the students should have a good creativity to create some words, so they are easy to open their mind to say something well.

3.2.6 Operational Definition of Brainstorming Learning Method
Brainstorming is the learning method that is used in learning activity. Here, the students’ mastery in using Brainstorming learning method is the score that is gotten from the test that have done by the students, from the material as follow:
1)      Describing;
2)      Which is better;
3)      Identify.
3.3 Research Population and Sample
To do this research, the researcher determine about the population and the sample, as follow:
3.3.1 Population
Haryanti in Kusnadi (2008:79) “Population or universe is the whole subject which are complete and clear and will be the object in the research”. It means that the population is the totality of unit that will be researched their characteristic. So, to know the influence of using Role Play and Brainstorming learning method toward the students’ speaking ability, the researcher will chose the students that consist of 120 students at the second semester of English education in Muhammadiyah University of Metro in academic year 2010/2011as the population.
3.3.2 Sample
Haryanti in Kusnadi (2009:80) “Sample is a part of population that will be researched”. It means that the sample is the object that have selected to research.
The researcher in the research, will take a sample with cluster random sampling, there are two classes as the choice. They are class A and class C consists of 60 students. So, one of them will be experimental class and other will be control class.
Lovin states that the formula of sample is      n =
Note:   n : ∑ sample
            N : ∑ population
d : Real degree
3.4 Research Instrument
Khayati in Ari Kunto (2009) defines instrument as the tool of research which is used in each method. Furthermore, the research instrument involves:
1)      Instrument Blueprint
Research instrument that will be used in this research as follow:
1.1  The instrument that will be used for using Role Play learning method toward speaking ability consist of 20 questions for pre test.
1.2  The instrument that will be used to measure the students’ speaking ability is the speaking test. The questions consist 20 questions for post test.

2)      Instrument Calibration
Khayati in KBBI (2009) defines that instrument calibration is the scale of measurement that will be used to describe the instrument standard that will be used. In this research, the test is essay test which consist of 20 questions. The type of giving score, is according to the researcher, but the score around 60 until 90 based on of each student.
3.4.1 Specification Table of Instrument
Table Specification Table of Role Play Learning Method
Number of Question
It’s something that
1.The students are able to describe the item in the picture that have they take.

2.The students are able to guess what item is it.


Telephone lines
1.The students are able to act out the telephone conversation.

2.The students are able make a conversation like in the telephone.


How many would you like?
1.The students are able to act out the dialogue of the figure.

2.The students are able to express their selves in acting.




Table Specification Table of Brainstorming Learning Method
Number of Question
1.The students are able to describe a picture that has given by the teacher.

2.The students are able to describe their daily activity.


Which is better
1.The students are able to state their opinion based on the topic.

2.The students are able to make a conclusion from their debate.


1.The students are able to identify something.

2.The students are able to state the function of that something with their opinion with their own word.




Table Specification Table of Speaking Ability
Number of question
1.The students are   able to speak fluently.

2.The students are able to speak without many mistakes.


1.The students are able to say something in right structure.

2.The students are able to tell their experience in past form.


1.The students are able to speak sentences with correct intonation.

2.The students are able to speak something with some that make another understand.



1.The students are able to speak in correct vowel.

2.The students are able to speak in correct diphthong.




3.4.2 Validity and Reability Validity
Basrowi (2010:10) “Validity means that how far the neatness or the coincidentally of the measure instrument in a meaning the data”.
 Validity is refers to the degree to which a study accurately reflect or assesses the specific concept that the research is attempting to measure. Validity is concerned with the study success at measuring what the researcher set out to measure.
The formula of validity is:
Note :
r          : Correlation coefficient of variable X and Y.
The sum of the product of X and Y score for each students.
      : The sum of X score.
The sum of Y score.
    : The sum of square of students ability in using Role Play and Brainstorming learning  
    : The sum of square of speaking ability.
: The sum of the square X score.
 The sum of the square Y score.
         : The total of respondents.
With test criteria: 1) If r count ≥ than r table, so refused Ho, it means that valid variable.
                             2) If r count ≤ than r table, so receive Ho, it means that not valid variable. Reability
Basrowi (2010:10) “Reability is a measure that show how far the result of measuring still consistent if it will done twice measuring or more than it toward the same indication with the same measure instrument”. Reability is concerned with the accuracy of the procedure.
The formula of reability is:
r11                       = Reability instrument
     =   Pearson influence of odd and even value

3.5 Data Collecting Technique
In collecting the data, the researcher used test as the data collecting technique. The test that will be given as follow:
1.      Pre Test
This step is done before presenting the treatment to know how far the student’s mastery in using Role Play and Brainstorming learning method toward the students’ speaking ability.
Firstly, the researcher prapare pre test and ask the students to state their opinion without opening the dictionary and just based on their thinking or their brainstorming. The test consist of Role Play method, Brainstorming method, and speaking test. The researcher used the objective test that is essay test and consist of 20 questions.
2.      Post Test
This step is done after the treatment to know the increase of the technique after giving the treatment, the researcher present the post test and ask the students to state their opinion based on the treatment have been given by the researcher. The test is about Role Play method, Brainstorming method, and speaking test. This test is the main test because this test is to measure the student’s speaking ability. The researcher used objective test that is essay test consist of 20 questions.
3.6 Data Analysis Technique
3.6.1. Normality Test
Basrowi (2010:66) “The purpose of normality test is to know the distribution data following normally distribution or no”. Actually, normality test can be done by three manners, they are; using statistik parametic test (Frequence or descriptive test) and statistik non-parametic test (Kolmogorov Smirnov test). But all of them should be correlated with the research which is done. Thare are three manners to do normality test for data. Two manners in the first part include to analysis statistik parametic test, while the third manner include to normality ststistik non-parametic. One of that menners is “Normality Test Part One”, to do nomality test use analysis statistik parametic. This test can be done use Frequence or Descriptive analysis.
To know whether a variable data distribute in normal way or not, can be done a manner that take anote of Skweness and Kurtosis score of each. Another manner is compare the Skweness score with Std. Error of Skweness, or compare the Kurtosis score with Std. Error of Kurtosis.
Ratio Score         :

3.6.2 Homogeneity Test
Basrowi (2010:98) “Homogenity is a measurement that can bu used to decide various data. There are many manners that can be used to measure the homogenity a data, they are; use analysis Explore test and analysis One-Way ANOVA test. In this case will explain the One-Way ANOVA test only. This analysis is used to decide average two or more different group factually.
If we assumption that:
Ho       = three groups have same average score.
H1       = three groups have different average score.
So, critical test of hopotesis is as follow:
1) If F count < F table, so Ho is received;
2) If F count > F table, so Ho is refused.

Output Test of Homogenity of Variances can be used to know whether three samples has same variences. If hypotesis that is used is :
Ho       = variences sample is not homogeneous.
H1       = variences sample is homogeneous.
The stipulation of take a decision, as follow:
1) If probability or Sig. score < 0,05 so Ho is received;
2) If probability or Sig. score > 0,05 so H1 is refused.
3.6.3 Hypothesis Test
In this research, the researcher do the influnce to know there is positive and significant influences between role play, brainstroming, and speaking ability
Ø  There is positive and significant influence of using Role Play learning method toward the students’ speaking ability;
Ø  There is positive and significant influence of using Brainstorming learning method toward the students’ speaking ability;
Ø  There is positive and significant influence of using Role Play and Brainstorming learning method toward the students’ speaking ability.



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